The link above is a really good contextual look at our current moment. Best case scenario this societal “renegotiation” creates a space for people who have been sexual assaulted to come forward. I don’t see that happening in any meaningful way, in part because of the outsized influence males have on the political process, but also because of the liberal reaction to this windfall of allegations. Instead of demanding due process be extended to the workplace, something that could alter political consciousness drastically (one could almost call it a transitional demand), we’ve seen a near universal embrace of firing someone as a political act, which in turn further legitimizes the near absolute power of private industry.
It’s worth pondering why so little has been said about the authoritarianism that comes not from Trump but as a reaction to him. When people, well meaning or not, start chipping away at the gains of second wave feminism, namely the idea that women are fully capable of taking care of themselves, we should all start getting nervous.