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Showing posts from December, 2009

Best Albums of 2009

Because I didn't have a full-time job for most of the year, I didn't buy nearly as much music as I usually do. I did, however, manage to get my hands on a few wonderful albums. The following is my picks for the ten best albums of 2009. (ALSO: I only count albums I actually own so I know for a fact I'm missing some great music. Please let me know what caught your attention this year!) 10) Wilco- Wilco Yes, the cover is probably better than the album. But Wilco is Wilco. They are one of the best bands in the world. Period. If you get a chance, see them live. 9) Mirah (A)spera "Shells" is one of the most beautiful songs I can think of. 8) The Dead Weather- Horehound Indie supergroup cuts a solid modern rock record that sounds like a solid classic rock record. Ironically, both classic rock and modern rock radio stations don't play it. Reason number 2,546 why radio sucks. (Check